Install GPS Dump
Connect GPS device to the PC
Run GPS Dump
In the file menu select “Misc” → “Set Com Ports”
Choose a serial port and confirm selection
Try to communicate with GPS device by pressing the button with the device name or select the option “Logs” in the file menu if there is no button corresponding to your device
If communication works correctly a windows with the track list will appear. If the track list doesn’t appear try to select another serial port in “Set Com Ports”
Download GPS Track
Pressing the button with the connected device name (Flymaster / Flytec / etc.) or select the option “Logs” in the file menu if there is no button corresponding to your device
If communication works correctly a windows with the track list will appear
Select a track and press OK
GPS Dump will download the track points from the device
A window with the track points will be shown
Select all the points (key combination Control+A)
Save the points by using the file menu. You can choose between IGC, KML (Google Earth), GPX
Privilege IGC format, this is the standard for paragliding. In this case will be asked to enter pilot name and glider type.