» Documentation » Airspaces

A very current format to describe airspaces is OpenAir format.These files are simple text files.This format is described on the website Winpilot.



It's very easy to find OpenAir file for an entire country. But this is a large file, many of which are useless for our usual flight perimeter. Load too many polygons in the GPS memory can slow down operations.


After opening an OpenAir file, Logfly displays the contents of the original file in the left window and decoding zones in the right window. You will be able to select a geographic area and filter areas within this perimeter.




Before displaying the interactive selection map, you can filter if necessary fields to display using the checkboxes. For check / uncheck in one operation, right click on the list. A context menu will appear. A ground limit can be added. If you put 0, only checked areas wich extend from the surface will be displayed.


In one click, it is possible to sort suitable for paragliding : elimination of classes E, F, G and W with limit of 3500m above ground level (agl). Right click on the areas list -> context menu -> Paragliding Filter



Click on Selection button to view the map. CAUTION : If you open a file for a entire country with all area types checked, displaying time will vary depending on your computer's speed and quality of your Internet connection.


The map displayed is the selection window. You can zoom, move the map and resize / maximize the window until the desired zone.



Clicking on an airspace displays characteristics: type of area, name, floor and ceiling altitude above sea level.



When the map window was closed, the number of selected areas is displayed in the list in the lower right part. ALL areas included in the scope of selection are present, including unchecked initially WITH the altitude limit fixed before launching the selection window. The filter applied to the original file is copied by default. It is naturally modified.


When the maps window is closed, you can :

  • check your selection on a map with Map button
  • save your selection in OpenAir format or Flychart format for Flytec/Braüniger/Flymaster users. For instance, Logfly can't send directly your selection in this GPS. See special instructions on Flytec/Braüniger page ou Flymaster page.
  • go further in type areas filtering. See List Filter
  • Merge current selection with an other OpenAir file. See OpenAir fusion
  • send directly your selection to Reversale GPS or Skytraxx.


NOTE: Backup and GPS transmission buttions will only appear after you click Select. If you want to transfer the entire file as is, close the selection map without changing it.


The original OpenAir file is displayed on the left side. If needed, you can search to look the original description of an area. Type something on search text field and click on the button ".." to start the search.



If you want to try the possibilities offered by your GPS in your usual flight area, Logfly includes a module wich allows to define your own fields in Open Air format. See Polygon Test for details.