» Documentation » Configuration
Four tabs to set up Logfly
  1. Work folder can be changed
  2. Logfly can handle multiple logbooks. By default, logbook is called logfly.db. You can select an other logbook in the list
  3. New logbook creation. Name is free but you must let .db extension. In principle, one logbook for a pilot, even though the pilot uses different gliders (tandem, solo, etc;..). 
  4. To move the logbopk to a different folder, we recommend to use the button [ Move the logbook ]. It's is very useful to move the logbook in the a Cloud folder like Dropbox or Google Drive. Refer to Use a Cloud Folder for more details.

    With logbook on Dropbox or Google Drive, you can look at your flights on different computers.

IMPORTANT : the working folder is mandatory. If for any reason, paths informations are wrong, you must set up it. Refer to Folders for more details.